Saturday 6 September 2008

Sheryl Crow offers free albums to voters

Sheryl Crow has teamed up with the Rock the Vote organisation to encourage young people crosswise the United States to register to vote in the approaching presidential election.

Current members of the Rock the Vote mailing list will receive access to a dislodge download of her song �??Gasoline�??, which is also uncommitted through [url= ][/url].

In addition, the drive is also aiming to have young people encourage their peers to vote and with this in mind, the low gear 50,000 individuals that get trey friends to register to vote will get a digital copy of her album �??Detours�??.

�??I have been tortuous with Rock the Vote since it�??s origination and proud of the work they have done�?� Crow said in a statement. There are such critical issues facing our res publica, from high gas prices to clime change that we demand to do more then just register to vote, we want to get our friends registered too.�?�

--By our New York staff.
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